Hi Class. Okay. Just because Last Christmas is not available for free doesn’t mean we can’t read those two reviews we discussed — in TheNYTIMES and The Guardian — and take out our pens and annotate and analyze them. I’ve also chosen another movie I’ve seen many times: The Third Man.

The reviews for Last Christmas are linked, above. And below here are three reviews for The Third Man:

The Guardian Third Man review

Roger Ebert’s review

The Boston Globe review

Pick at least three reviews and analyze them as a whole. What do well-written movie reviews have in common? And why or how do the ones you read differ? Go into detail with at least one review and really break it down rhetorically. You should look to the template in the readings from the Bedford Book of Genres to get an idea for how to do this.  Also, feel free to watch either movie — though I won’t require it.