Two Things To Do For Monday, Feb 10: 1) Download, print and read Helen Keller’: “I Go Adventuring.” You will find the link on to our READINGS page.  Circle any words you don’t know. We will pronounce them and discuss them in class. Also, in your notebooks, write a short reflection. What were some of the main and also most interesting points of the piece? Do you like the way she writes? How does her writing effect you? (The link to the other Helen Keller piece we need to read, on The Empire Building, isn’t working well, so I will give you a printout next class. Instead, I have some more short writing for you to do):

2) Look up your name in an etymological dictionary. Find out its LITERAL translation — what it means. Here is an example. I looked up the name “Richard” at etymonline  and found that it means “strong in rule.” I want you to write the literal definition of your name. Also, write about why or how you got your name — what is its significance? Are you named for your grandfather? Did your parents have some reasons for naming you? Maybe Richard was named for a character in a book that his mom read when she was pregnant? Maybe he is named for an uncle who passed away? You get the idea.

Put all the above in your notebook.

Looking ahead: Our first major paper will be your personal Literacy Narrative. Your telling of your journey in how you learned to read and write. What sort of experiences you had. What sort of struggles you had. Who helped you along the way.  You should start taking notes on this for yourself. Come to class with questions or insights. It will be due on Feb 19.