For Apr 29, you are doing two things. 1) continuing to write in your regular diaries. and 2) Creating a new document in Google Docs on your Skills/Interest. This is  a work in progress for UNIT III. Look in the MENU above for this site and you will see a new listing there called GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER. In the orange shared SKILL folder you will create a Document with the following nomenclature: YOURLASTNAME_YOURFIRSTNAME_Skill . I already created a Sample Document there to give you an outline of the format. To summarize: our next step will be to share some skill/interest/pursuit that we have had during our confinement — something that gives us joy or makes us feel interested in life and in bettering ourselves. We also discussed that part of this next step will be to do some research and learn more about this skill/interest.

At preset there is no length limit or minimum on this assignment. It is a work in progress. It is, however, required as part of your UNIT III grade. Due date: I expect EVERYONE to have started this document by Wednesday Apr 29.

We will discuss our work on Wednesday. Check back for a Zoom meeting link. Our next meeting will be April 29 at 1:00PM. 
