Jonathan Dorival




Prof. Schmerler


April 24-27th 2020


Unit II– Mid Semester– Life during Coronavirus


Section 1: Extended diary excerpt


April 24th – Manhattan, Ny 




Currently writing this on my phone while on my break. I’m really having mixed feelings about this Coronavirus quarantine situation ever since I got paid. Like I hate these twelve  hours shifts back to back but once I saw that direct deposit hit …. I was like Oh Sh** !!!  On the other hand, work was a calm day today and we only got two deliveries today from fedex. Hopefully it stays like this until my shift is over. Yes guys I work in a warehouse getting equipment that the nurses use for the Corona patients. My Sergeant won’t even let us go to the same floor as them unless we put on a whole bunch of protective clothing. Break time always seems faster than actually working. It’s like I can’t even catch a little nap.


April 25th – Manhattan, Ny 


12:30 pm


Another day, another dollar it’s like everyday is the same. Thankfully I’m not stuck in the house cause I would go insane honestly. Now that I’m really thinking about it.. I can’t really complain cause some people really have it worse than me right now. Stuck at home everyday because they either don’t have an essential job or their parents just too scared and don’t want anything to happen to their kids. I just hope eventually this doesn’t end soon but they allow us to go back outside sooner than later.


April 26th – Manhattan, Ny


I just realized that I’m so behind on classwork. Don’t even have time on my hand to hop on Zoom calls or anything because I’m always doing something here at this WAREHOUSE. Sometimes I actually missed school. Like I remember we were talking about distance learning one day in class but I never thought we would actually be in this situation honestly.


April 27 – Manhattan, Ny




Today was a good day. Although they had me working I got out early today at like 3pm. Which felt great of course. Came back to my room, ate some pasta, shower and went to sleep. Woke up and remembered that I forgot to submit this assignment. Even though I’m already late by a couple days. I talked to my mom and my family today. Thankfully they are all doing fine doing this quarantine time. My little brothers are enjoying this time from school more than I am. Lucky for them they didn’t even experience the stressful college life yet.


Section 2: Reflection and Analysis of Diary Reading


I chose the Diary of a Wimpy Kid because I used to love reading those books during middle school. I really enjoyed reading the series and I enjoyed every book from the first one to the last one. I liked the format of the book and also the little drawing that they had in the book to keep the book interesting of course. Jeff Kinney did a good job with writing this book. Wish I could meet him in person so I could talk to him about it more, see his ideas and hear what he has in store later on his time of writing books.


Section 3: Reflection On Unit 2


Unit 2 was  confusing at first because of the whole Coronavirus pandemic not only with my English class but all of the other classes. Trying to balance school work while working twelve hours every day has become very stressful. Also because this was my first time ever studying in an online class. I like how Professor Schmerler tried to create videos to help us understand the assignments better that was very helpful of course. I had a little hard time writing my daily blog post because of the way my schedule is with work but thankful I got it done. Better late than never