To be ready for this meeting you should have already: posted an extended Diary excerpt by now; and have completed and posted your reflection/summary.

You should also have read all the posts of all the other people on your planet before the meeting starts.

Uranus from Wikipedia

Discussion Points: Everyone on your planet needs to read everyone else’s posts and be prepared to discuss them. We want to talk about how we are shaping our diaries so far. What are the main tones or themes? How can we analyze them as a piece of writing and not just for content? How did we analyze the diary we chose to read — and, did it help us?

Additional discussion point to bring to the meeting: a skill/personal interest/hobby/art/goal — something you are working on during this period of time (not school work). If this makes you cringe, then you are probably doing it right. If we don’t have time during our first Planet meeting — very likely — then we will do it during the second one.