Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary entry RE-POST

Diary Entry 2- JianCarlo
During quarantine I feel the most difficult part is keeping yourself busy. After scrolling through all social media platforms for hours it gets boring and repetitive. Not even having the option to go walk and enjoy outdoors makes it feel even more stressful. However, I do enjoy the excuse to live a lifestyle we all loath for, sitting in bed for hours eating a new snack every 30 minutes and being lazy. Hopefully when this is all over we appreciate being outside, doing any activity with friends, and just connection with each-other. This break proves to me that humans need some type of connection/interaction to stay sane.


  1. Deron

    I know for a fact I’ll enjoy when the quarantine is over. Looking at the four walls in my room all day is slowly driving me crazy.

  2. Jonathan

    Definitely staying at home is what we asked for inside of going to school everyday. But now that we have it and CANT go outside at all is driving all of us crazy

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