Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry _2 Deron

Since this virus has become more severe in the eyes of NyC. I find myself extremely bored in my house. I struggle with ways I’ll remain productive in the next couple of weeks/months. I try my best to take walks in the park to get some fresh air because staying inside can become unhealthy. I’ve created my own indoor gym being that most of the gyms are closed.


  1. Yesenia Matute

    I started my own indoor GYM today because I just got bored so I was like let me go work out . So my sister and cousins are going to going me as well.

  2. Justin_Zhong

    I also have been just working out at home and find my self being very unproductive. I need to catch up on some classes.

  3. Jonathan

    I like the whole gym at home type of vibe . I try to do some pushups whenever I get a little free time on my hands which is rarely

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