Hi Class. Your personal Literacy Narrative is due Feb 19. Length: 700 words max. Format: double-spaced typed and printed. Your name, the course number and section number, my name, and the date all appear at the upper left of the first page. (Yes, this is standard MLA format. You can see The Little Seagull Handbook or any good Online guide like the Purdue OWL for examples.) We began discussing the content of this paper in our previous OpenLab post, so re-read this if you missed class or are unclear.

Also for Wednesday Feb 19: Now that you have researched the literal definition and personal significance of your name, please type up this information and submit it to me. Staple it to the front of or simply print it at the front of your Literacy Narrative. This “name” information does not count as part of your entire word count. It is simply informative, almost like a file entry, and you can make it as brief or lengthy as you like or need.

Also: Please give your literacy narrative an interesting title! Don’t simply call it “Literacy Narrative.” In our last class you received a handout that analyzes and goes into great depth on the genre of the Literacy Narrative. If English is not your first language, or if you feel at all lost, read this handout. Author Richard Rodriguez’ personal literacy narrative, From Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez, is excerpted there.

Another note: paper lateness is no excuse for missing class! My late paper extension request policy is in our Syllabus. I pay close attention to attendance these days!

Enjoy the time off and I look forward to seeing you at our next class, Feb 19.