ENG1101 CD308 Fall 2018

Big Ideas Welcome Here

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If i could change anything about today, it would be ….

If I could change anything about today it would be my imagination and being able to write about more in the current class assignments. Being unable to write a lot is something I need to work on especially if it is being timed and I have 5 minutes to do all of the topics. Another thing I would like to change about today is to finally be able to buy the 2 textbooks that are required for my classes in hospitality  management  so that I dont fall behind in my assignments. Falling behind in my classes so early in the year would not be a good idea especially when the I just returned.

A smile

Today, I am very greatful for this day, especially when I woke up with a smile. Smiling can be very effective. It’s part of our daily lives to be able to pass the energy needed to begin the day with happiness. Smiling may be hard for some. Wakknging up so early in the morning not thinking about the positivity part of our lives. Success! Joy! Happiness! Gratefulness! Eagerness! Are energies that bring success to our future. Usually I am hungry for more knowledge. Knowledge satisfies my thirst and hunger for knowledge. Surrounding myself with positive thinkers and involving myself in an educational environment is exactly what I do. The people you surround yourself with can play a big role in your daily life. People seem to judge upon this. If you surround yourself with educational people that are full of positive energy, you will most likely fall righ in to place as a pose to feeling awkward and out of place. Do not be ashamed of yourself when seeking knowledge. Sometimes it’s ok to be a “nerd”. You get to live his life once and only once. Run, sprint, and fly to successs if possible.

If I could change anything about today, it would be try to go to bed at 9 p.m, because I have to get up at 6 o’clock every day to go to school, I am sleeping at 11 p.m now, for me there is not enough sleep,  it makes me every day is a vicious circle.

My day is normal so far, because….

My day is normal today because I woke up at my regular time, got ready and was out the door at 7am. I managed to get to school by 740am and headed towards the school like usual. Then I walked up the stairs to the 4th floor of the namm building at City Tech. I made my way to my classroom, 420 and sat down in my usual spot towards the back of the class. I got my book and pencil out, prepared for the writing I will have to do ahead. I followed the normal trend of doing the assignment that professor Schermer gave us.

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