Big Ideas Welcome Here

My day will be special because

I’ll see my best friend who’s been away in the city of Athens for the past two months.  I’m glad she’s back,I’ve missed her a lot. We’ll have to put each other on to everything  that has happened while we’ve been apart.


  1. yiyao tseng

    Hope you can have a great time with your best friend today.

  2. Moises

    I know how this feels. My current partner is in the U.S. Navy. I miss my partner a lot. We often email each other but it isn’t the same. I think actual human interaction is so much better.

  3. Sarah Schmerler

    My friend, Ahmed, just got back from Egypt! I saw him for the first time this weekend (in a long time). We played ping-pong. He beat me, of course,
    We had a great time. I am glad for you.

  4. Jessie Marcovecchio

    My best friend and neighbor recently moved to San Francisco to start a new life by himself. From what was suppose to be a temporary visit turned into a permanent stay. He recently came back for a visit and I remember how excited I was to see him so I hope you enjoy your time with your friend

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