Hi Class,

A reminder about this Thursday, September 1: Prof. Lucas Kwong will be filling in for me. Make sure to turn in the questionnaire (Journal 1) at the beginning of class. You will then watch The Shawshank Redemption. The movie is 2:22 so you might get to finish it in class. If not, no worries, we can finish it next Thursday.

Homework reminder for September 8th: Prepare for Quiz 1:

  • Read “The Tell Tale Heart” by Poe (OpenLab).
  • Review The Paper Chase (text and film clip on OpenLab)
  • Review definitions of Literature and Film (handout)
  • Review text of The Shawshank Redemption (OpenLab)

Email any questions that you might have. Enjoy the Darabont film!


Prof. Scanlan