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Quiz prep

Hi class,

Here is the schedule of Daily Goth presentations:

Feb 21: Bryan and Genesis

Feb 23: Aslan and Vladimir and Daniela

Feb 28: Daoud and Kelvin

Mar 2: Santos and Mohammed

Mar 7: LJ and Jared

Mar 9: Paul and Deloris and Katie


For Thursday’s quiz:

  • be able to define irony, especially literary irony (this is sometimes called dramatic irony)
  • read and be able to answer questions about chapters 6 and 7 in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


Prof. Scanlan

Welcome and Class Readings!

Hi Class,

Welcome to Gothic Literature and Culture, section D612.

This course site will be very important to us during the semester, so please familiarize yourself with its features. It will become a meeting “place” of sorts where we can communicate with each other and where we can upload ideas, images, film, and texts that we will need this semester. I will also put important documents, such as assignments details and helpful writing/research aids, on this site.

Our Books:


Please get the right version by using the ISBN number on the Course Policy.


Homework for Thursday: reading and questions:

The reading for Thursday can be found by going to the “READINGS” menu tab. First, print out the short story by Shirley Jackson titled “The Lottery,” read it carefully. Second, answer these two questions in your notebook:  What makes this story gothic, and did you like it?

Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan

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