A Short Film about Globalization

Hi Class,

Here’s a link to the film “Today”:




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Homework for Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dear all,

I hope that you are finding your way around out course website.

Homework for next Tuesday:

1. Buy Steger and Lahiri (see below for ISBN numbers and full details).

2. Read two short stories: Doctorow and Freudenberger (both under “Readings” menu tab).

3. Write Journal 1: 250-300 words on which of the two stories is your favorite and why. Use the “Standard Journal Template”–below Freudenberger’s story.

4. Sign up for the OpenLab and Register for my class.


See you Tuesday. Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Scanlan

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Required Books for ENG 2000, Section E220

Dear Students,


Welcome to my class. This course site will continue to grow, so please check back every week for new information.


Here are the three books that we will need this semester:

(Note: we will start with Steger’s Globalization, so please get that one as soon as possible)


  1. The Interpreter of Maladies (Mariner 1999)

Author: Jhumpa Lahiri

ISBN-13: 978-0395927205

Price: 14.95


  1. The Complete Persepolis (Pantheon 2007)

Author:  Marjane Satrapi

ISBN-13: 978-0375714832

Price: $24.95


  1. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction  (Oxford UP 2013, third edition)

Author:  Manfred Steger

ISBN-13: 978-0199662661

Price: $11.95



Problems of Transnational Travel:


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The Clash vs M.I.A.

The Clash was an influential punk band in the 1970s and 80s. One of their songs was “Straight to Hell,” (1982)and we might consider it to be a postcolonial song.


M.I.A. released “Paper Planes” in 2007. What conversation is taking place between the two songs?


What do you think? Music and globalization?

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