Evil Toilet Papers

Evil Toilet Papers

Evil Toilet Papers

  • Danny Liang
  • Journal 5
  • English 1101 – D394
  • October 14, 2015

            This photo was taken on October 14, 2015 at around 6 pm in a dark room with no lights on, except a flashlight. We were suggested to play around with the photos that we take so I thought it might be nice to use a darker theme since it was close to Halloween. When I think of dark theme, I usually think its related to something evil. With that in mind, I thought about the proverb See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil. I used a black and white filter because the color of the toilet paper wrappings did not fit into the dark theme. There is 3 wrapped rolls of toilet paper with faces drawn on them to represent the proverb. One has a large X drawn across the eyes. Another has a large X drawn across the mouth. The last has 2 large X’s drawn on the sides of the face.

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Joseph Floyd English D394 Prof. Scanlan

Joseph Floyd
English D394
Prof. Scanlan

In the picture, I took I can see pillars. Some pillars you could see words written on them. For an example, admission. It’s significant  because it’s where everybody came to at some point in their college life. Where people made a life decision that occurred here in that very spot.You could see there’s a  piece of paper on the floor and on the tables. Also, there are outlets on the table which to me is a symbol of energy in the life place. Half of the walls is painted blue and you could assume the wall is also painted halfway with orange. Which to me shows how vibrant and fierce the area is. To sum up this picture, This image show how people came and made a new life choice in an area that has positive and fierce energy.

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journal 5 (picture)


David Guaman

English D394

Prof. Scanlan

October 13, 2015


This picture was taken on October 10, somewhere in central park, at around 11:00 pm. I took this picture because it`s of my friends during an intense conversation. I do not see them a lot since we started college so anytime we are all available we try to hang out. This picture feels empty, since my other two close friends are going to colleges farther away. However, it is comforting knowing that they are there and can still have good times like the good old days. I hope that in the future I will have the opportunity of having a full picture.

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Prospect Park During October


Kelvin Chan

Journal 5

English D394 (Prof. Scanlan)

October 13, 2015

Prospect Park

Prospect Park

This view caught my eyes and I just had to take a picture. This picture was taken on October 11,2015 at prospect park two o’ clock. I never noticed that Prospect Park was so pleasing and calm. In this picture, the trees are starting to change colors and it just looks beautiful. The reflection of the trees and leaves in the lake just caught my eyes. All the colors synchronize in perfectly. In addition, the lake looks so pure and refreshing. Any person would appreciate all the colors in the picture. The feeling of autumn just hits you hard when admiring this view of Prospect Park.

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Bustling Night in New York

JinMei Liao
English D394
Prof. Scanlan
Journal 5

Bustling Night in New York

Bustling Night in New York


This photo was taken on October 12, 2015, Monday (Columbus Day) at Manhanttan, located at SoHo, Broadway. I went shopping alone. When I took this photo, I thought I saw two moons in the sky. But basically, there is one moon in the sky, and the other one was the street light. In this photo, you can see cars passing through, and see people walking on the street. In the background, there is a lot of tall buildings. On the right side, there is 5th floor tall building, is really looks spectacular. I enjoy a person wandering in the dark of night, watching the sky and stars, full of hope and a vision of the future.

JinMei Liao


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Flowers In Autumn



Raylin Antigua
English 1101 (Prof. Scanlan)
Journal 5
October 13, 2015

Flowers in Autumn, Columbus Park, Brooklyn, NY. October 08, 2015

I chose this photograph because it contains many details worthy to study. In this photo, we can see flowers, buildings, and trees. The area of focus of the photograph is the orange flowers, which are located in the center. I decided to concentrate on the flowers because it makes the background fade away. I like the contrast of the grayish-brownish buildings to the bright orange flower petals. It feels as the flowers give life to this photo. Another thing we can observe are the trees in the background, which gives a hint that the season is in autumn. It is rare to find many flowers in this time of weather, so seeing these shiny flowers was something I had to capture.

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Random Dinner By Harpreet Kaur : 11/11/15


Harpreet Kaur

English D394

Prof. Scanlan

October 13 2015

I had a very random day, I woke up to get my car fixed at the auto body collision shop. While I waited for my car to finish up I was bored and decided to explore some near by places. I came across an Italian restaurant i haven’t eaten at in years, I couldn’t remember why I don’t come to this place more often. I remember that the food was really good. After my car was done I called my sister and a few friends and I picked them up. We had dinner here and then it occurred to me why I did not come here often. They are always crowded during dinner time and I dislike busy places.


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Cadman Plaza Park at night

Susan Allen

English 1101

Ocotber 13, 2015

Journal 5

Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn, New York 2015

Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn, New York 2015

This picture was taken on Ocotober 13, 2015. I took this picture because I like being in a park at night and admiring the nature around me. It makes me think og the times I would go on trips and see the blossoming green trees and the different colored leaves falling down to the ground. It also maks me think aout the times when my sisters and I would gather enough leaves together into a pile and jump into it. This picture of the park mostly gives me a feeling of relaxation.


Susan Allen

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A Day Spent at Home


My Day Off at Home








Ibrahim Mamun

Journal 5

Eng 1101

Prof. Scanlan


This picture was taken on October 11th, 2015. I was heading to the laundromat with a heavy sack of my clothes, that I hadn’t washed for almost a month. Since I was running out of clothes to wear, and also I had quit my job because my boss was an asshole, I had the time to do my own laundry.

It was a beautiful day, and I’m glad that I had spend the whole time at home, with my family. Usually, its hard for me to spend even an hour at home with them, due to the fact that I’m always busy with some sort of chore, that pops up at regular intervals.

I took this picture because it resembled how much peace life is willing to offer me. It’s just, I refuse to accept it most of the time.

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Journal 5





Lucky Pure


Tiffany Yang


Eng 1101

Journal 5


I had many pictures that I could have picked other than this picture with a white pigeon or a dove, rather than a night view of 34 St. But on Saturday when I was walking away from City Tech, after my classes I was not feeling very proud of myself. I was depressed but when I was walking to the train station I saw a pure white bird. It made me smile because I felt like I was lucky to have seen one but looking back now I then remember that I have seen many around New York. It was just that at that time I just felt like there was a connection that I needed to acknowledge that pigeon or dove.


Tiffany Yang

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