NYC Night Lights


Brooklyn Bridge

Emily Garcia
English D394
Professor Scanlan
This photo was taken on October 18, 2015, on Sunday night. I happened to be walking the Brooklyn Bridge and decided to take various shots of the beautiful view looking exactly at the center of the bridge. Out of the many that were snapped, this particular shot stood out the most to me because of how perfectly the colors stand out and more specifically, the exact angle I took it from. You can see the amazing lights aligned along the top of the bridge and in the background, you can see the iconic city lights of New York at night. I love how in this one photo, I was able to capture a lot of things that stand for NY, including the bridge itself, the city landscape in the background, the American flag, and the construction signs, because even though they are not as often mentioned, the city is always under construction or repair.



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My View from Namn Hall


Susan Allen

Ocotober 19, 2015

English 1101

This photo was taken on October 14, 2015.  I took this picture because I loved the views of the United States Courthouse, the Pearl bulding, and the Brookyl Bridge Cafe. This picture gives me a homey feeling because whenever I see a picture of buildings it reminds be of the beautiful architects that New York has. I like the fact that I also caught some of the passing cars in this photo because it shows that no matter what time of day it is in New York, there is always cars passing by.


Susan Allen

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Party favors

Dora Ismailova


English 1101

This photo was taken on Sunday 10/18/15 which held at my cousins birthday party. I took this photo to show how delicious these favors look and all those colors just stand out. In this photo you can see a vase of roses, baby dressed in a purple dress and her mom holding her. On the vase of flowers there’s two heart balloons one of them says Happy Birthday. You can also see that the table cloth is covered with a butterfly theme. You can see a variety of fruits and all different kids of pastries.  The photo is cut off where you can see something colorful on the wall.




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Warm Restaurant


JinMei Liao
English D394
Prof. Scanlan

This photo was taken on October 18, 2015, Sunday located in Manhattan, Elizabeth St. I went to Manhattan this week again. I felt hungry at the evening, then I found a restaurant called XO taste. When I stepped in, this restaurant looks pretty cool. The light color let me feel the warm, they have different shapes, but one thing was the round wood standing on the middle. It is like something separate to two spaces. Both sides have plants. On the left side, were many tables and chairs. I loved the restaurant and the food was really good.


Warm Restaurant

Warm Restaurant


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An Amazing View


I took this picture on October 10, 2015. This view caught my eye and I thought to my self what better way to capture the moment than to take a picture. It was some time during the afternoon in Williamsburg as I was near my old high school that I walked towards the river and looked at the wonderful sight to see. That fresh breeze and all the people mingling with each other. This photo has a whole story being told within it. The people is one story, the background is another and the setting. This picture is the definition of a amazing view.

By Joshua Robles

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Start Of A Peaceful End





unnamed (1)

The Beauty Of The End


Tiffany Yang


Eng 1101

This picture was taken on Bedford in the Bronx on the four train. I was meeting with my older sister for an evening shopping after school to close off our week. I was getting off the train and I was greeted with this nice scenery that gave me a good start in a girls night out. The trains are a symbol of crowds and the bus stop sign  was included in the corner to show that is in New York. The sunset was is a great combination with the stable layers of clouds and the trains are all parked gives a peaceful feeling. Since they are usually running during the days; that’s why with the help of all those components they work together to give a peaceful mood. They show the end of the day and the end of the line for trains to rest.

Best, Tiffany Yang

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My Room While Studying

Journal 6 (picture)

Room While Studying

This picture was taken on October 15, 2015, the day before an art midterm. This is a picture of part of my room, while I was studying. From the picture, one can see my bed and desk. The only light on is my desk light, making the room not too bright. My laptop is there showing one of the art picture I had to know for the midterm. Notes taken in class on the picture I was studying where on both the desk and my bed. Overall, this picture just shows the environment of my room when I have to study for a test.

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The Empty Fish Market


The Old Fulton Fish Market – Manhattan

This is image was taken on Wednesday, October 14th at 5 PM. The location of the image is near South Street Seaport, and it shows an empty, abandoned fish market that’s a shell of its former self. I took a picture of the scene because I thought of how eerie and quiet the place looked. The lighting from the window nearby casted a sort of glow into the abandoned market that I thought gave it a neat effect. The rolling gate that blocks visitors from going inside has, to my recollection, been closed since I was in elementary school. It’s more like a relic of the past now.



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Red Belt Promotion (Taekwondo)

This photo was taken Friday, October 16, 2015 at my training Bronx Taekwondo Academy, located at Hoffman St in the little Italy of the Bronx. I chose this photo because it’s an event of a belt promotion test, Lizbeth (as you can see in the picture) was a blue belt with red stripe and passed her test, my instructor name Jose Uriel Ramirez promoting Lizbeth Ramirez a Red belt which is close to a Black Belt. We students and all family are all very proud of her and she is very proud of herself also. In the background you can see her little brother name Jonathantalking to another instructor name Edwin Silverware, and is holding a red belt for another student who also passed the test.

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This picture was taken on, 69-77 Queens Midtown Expressway Maspeth. I chose this photo because of the way that the death is looking inside the house, and, all the details that we can say or talk about it. We can see decoration, beside the death we can see the head of the horse, also the half of the newspaper. On the side of the house we can see a tree, that we color of it is changing because of the season. In the background we can see the sky, but not a blue sky. We can see house we can determine the weather because it’s kind of cloudy day.

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