Author Archives: JinMei

Essay 2 – Comparing Photographs

Title: Trains By: Liao, JinMei     Essay 2: EssayJinMeiLiao-Essay-2-2015-D394-Liao, JinMei

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Warm Restaurant

  JinMei Liao English D394 Prof. Scanlan 10/18/2015 This photo was taken on October 18, 2015, Sunday located in Manhattan, Elizabeth St. I went to Manhattan this week again. I felt hungry at the evening, then I found a restaurant … Continue reading

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Bustling Night in New York

JinMei Liao English D394 Prof. Scanlan Journal 5   This photo was taken on October 12, 2015, Monday (Columbus Day) at Manhanttan, located at SoHo, Broadway. I went shopping alone. When I took this photo, I thought I saw two … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

JinMei Liao Journal 4 English 1011 (Prof. Scanlan) 09/30/2015 My Favorite Picture The photo I choice to be my favorite is “Sweat shop, New York City,” taken by Lewis Wickes Hine in 1900-1937, because the photo shows men and women … Continue reading

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