Author Archives: Harpreet Kaur

Photography Essay 2

Title: Two Sides of Nature By : Harpreet Kaur HKaur-Essay-2-2015-ProfScanlan ______________________________________________________________  

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Random Dinner By Harpreet Kaur : 11/11/15

Harpreet Kaur English D394 Prof. Scanlan October 13 2015 I had a very random day, I woke up to get my car fixed at the auto body collision shop. While I waited for my car to finish up I was … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

Harpreet Kaur Journal 4 English D 394 (Prof. Scanlan) September 29, 2015 My Favorite Picture I chose the photo “Manhattan Bridge” by photographer Berenice Abbott. It is simply a close up of one of the pillars of the Manhattan Bridge, … Continue reading

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