Author Archives: Dismailova

Describing and Comparing Photographs Essay 2

Title: Construction Zone By: Dora Ismailova     Dismaiova-Essay-2-2015-D394-ProfScanlan       ———————————————————–

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Party favors

Dora Ismailova 10/19/15 English 1101 This photo was taken on Sunday 10/18/15 which held at my cousins birthday party. I took this photo to show how delicious these favors look and all those colors just stand out. In this photo … Continue reading

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Walking to school and seeing men working across my school on the 8th floor

Dora Ismailova English 1101 October 13, 2015 Journal 5   This photo was taken on October 13, 2015 on Jay Street Brooklyn across the street from CityTech. This photo reminded me of the photo we had seen in class it’s … Continue reading

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My Favorite Photo

Dora Ismailova English 1101 (Prof. Scanlan) Journal 4 September 30, 2015 My Favorite New York City Photo The photo that caught my eye the most was “Sweat shop, New York City” by Lewis Wickes Hine. The author’s point of view … Continue reading

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