Author Archives: David

Essay 2: Photo Comparison

———- Title: College Life Photo Comparison By: David Guaman Essay: Dguaman-Essay-2-2015-D394-ProfScanlan ———-  

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My Room While Studying

This picture was taken on October 15, 2015, the day before an art midterm. This is a picture of part of my room, while I was studying. From the picture, one can see my bed and desk. The only light … Continue reading

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  David Guaman English D394 Prof. Scanlan October 13, 2015   This picture was taken on October 10, somewhere in central park, at around 11:00 pm. I took this picture because it`s of my friends during an intense conversation. I … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

David Guaman Journal 4 English D394 (Prof. Scanlan) 9/29/15 My Favorite Picture The picture that caught my attention from all of them was Lewis Wickes Hine, “Riveters attaching a bean.” The picture shows four men, which appear to be at … Continue reading

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