Author Archives: SAAD CHAUDHARY

Photography Essay 2

Title : Memories are valuable By; Saad Chaudhary   Essay: SChaudhary-Essay2-2015-D394-ProfScanlan

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“kiss And Fly”

Picture Taken: Belt parkway to John F. Kennedy International Airport, October, 17th, 2015 I took this picture on belt parkway on my way to JFK airport. I was going to drop my mother to the airport and because of my … Continue reading

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Caesar’s Bay View I took this picture at caesar’s bay bazaar, right next to it, is a beautiful view of Verrazano Bridge and the sea on October, 10th, 2015. I went to shopping with my friends at the bazaar there, and … Continue reading

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Picture With Words

Saad Chaudhary Journal 4 September, 29th, 2015 English 1101 D394/ Professor S. Scanlan Hi Class and Professor,        The picture that attracted me the most and looked most interesting to me was the Picture taken by Lewis Wickes … Continue reading

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