Bustling Night in New York

JinMei Liao
English D394
Prof. Scanlan
Journal 5

Bustling Night in New York

Bustling Night in New York


This photo was taken on October 12, 2015, Monday (Columbus Day) at Manhanttan, located at SoHo, Broadway. I went shopping alone. When I took this photo, I thought I saw two moons in the sky. But basically, there is one moon in the sky, and the other one was the street light. In this photo, you can see cars passing through, and see people walking on the street. In the background, there is a lot of tall buildings. On the right side, there is 5th floor tall building, is really looks spectacular. I enjoy a person wandering in the dark of night, watching the sky and stars, full of hope and a vision of the future.

JinMei Liao


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