Primary Colors



Raylin Antigua
English 1101 (Prof. Scanlan)
October 19, 2015


Primary Colors, Bronx, NY, October 17, 2015.

I took this photo in my bedroom around midnight. Out of all the photos I have taken, this one seemed more interesting to me because even though it looks very simple, it has a lot to say. I had just finished solving my Rubik’s Cube, and I had laid it down without thinking. Five minutes later, I look at the cube, and I notice that the three colors that are showing are yellow, red, and blue. Those colors made me remember learning the primary colors in my art class when I was younger. I also like how the stickers on each side of the cube look worn out, meaning; I have given this poor cube a lot of work. I took this photograph in the darkness because I like how the colors didn’t distort with the flash of my camera.

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