Picture With Words

  • Saad Chaudhary
  • Journal 4
  • September, 29th, 2015
  • English 1101 D394/ Professor S. Scanlan
  • Hi Class and Professor, 

      The picture that attracted me the most and looked most interesting to me was the Picture taken by Lewis Wickes Hine, who was a photographer and sociologist interested in people and their work. His Many pictures are published and well known held at The library of congress in Washington DC. In this picture there are four men working on roof top of the building without any safety procedures and are comfortable of doing their hard work to build for us people. The reason that this picture attracted me the most is because i like how it is showing a message of workers who are working hard without any safety at a certain hight without being afraid. You really need guts to do something like that. I can relate to this picture because once i went on a job site on a roof of 50 story building with safety belt and i was really scared. These workers are stress free working hard to build for us. The photographer took this picture with a very nice angle and motion of the display that is going on in the picture. I really like the view, showing in the background and people working. Work is a very nice sustainable subject for the use of photography. Hine putted in hard work while taking the picture also risking his life to show how the workers are not afraid of doing their job taking a big risk. I really liked this picture they way it was taken, why it was taken, and etc. 

Your Classmate
Saad Chaudhary

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2 Responses to Picture With Words

  1. Emily Garcia says:


    I really enjoyed reading your point of view in this post. I totally understand what you are saying and agree with you as well. I like how you opened in the beginning with a brief description of the photographer and the photograph. I specifically enjoyed when you mentioned the danger of the site shown on the photo, where the workers seem to be on a high level in construction with no safety on. I liked even more so, how you compared this to a personal experience. It must have been scary, huh? I feel you did a great job on your overall review of the photo, but, for the next time, consider being a little more thorough on your explanation as well as the comparison between the photo and personal experience. I feel as if you left out a couple important details so we could better understand the post (i.e., why you were in the construction site). Try to give a little background before making the comparison. Overall, you did a great job reviewing the photo’s studium. Well done.

  2. Jimmy Chen says:

    First things first, let’s get this on the table. That’s some really fruity coloring, but I like it.
    How is it, working in construction? From what you depict, even with the safety belt, you were frightened, yet these four guys can do it no problem. Is it daunting to go up a large scale building? Or is there a certain level cap where you start to say, “Ok, this is pretty spooky.”? I want to know more!

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