Oscar Cabrera

English 1101/Prof. Scalan



Journal 4 (My Favorite Picture)


A Photography can be use in many different ways, for example for essay or also for explain a single story can be short, or long. The photography that I most like from the six of them was, the photography took by Lewis Wickes Hine calls “New York at Work,” I t choose thus picture because has I said before it explain a lot of stuff that is happening in the pics and how it is relate to work and families. In addition, I found interesting in this pic is the way he asked to us, is work an interesting Subject for photography? We can answer this question in many different ways, there can be people that can take this question personal, because they can relate it with abuse to another people at work. Some of the can relate it as they are working in a high place and know it is dangerous, they may be they having fun up there and no one knows, beside the one who took the pic. Photographs  like this can be represent also in essays because how I said before can be explain in many forms, because everyone has their own imagination and what they are think, or, how they see it. I know this is not the only be pic that can be represent like this, but I think work is a good subject to look at or to take a photographic of to start a project or something else.


Have a nice day,

Oscar Cabrera

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  1. Sasha says:

    Hi Oscar ,
    I like your post ! I like how you started of with explaining about photographs and the many ways that it can be used . I totally agree with your statement of workers . I also like this picture as well , because It plays a role in our society on how people work so hard to earn money . This picture can represent many things as you said . It represents the hard work this mans are doing . It shows the risk they are taking . The environment they’re around as well as the weather . The amount of man working in this field . The way there are dressed up can tell us a lot about the picture . I agree with you because a picture can definitely have different definitions . Photographs are tend to capture a moment in life in which it will be reminded . I’m glad you choose this photo and gave your opinion because you support the way workers and their well being .

    best, sasha cabrera 🙂

  2. Jimmy Chen says:

    The term “A picture is worth a thousand words” really applies to Hines, because of the fascinating pictures that he takes of the city. It offers a large scope of things and there are little tidbits of information that, at first, seems insignificant, but they often hold a large amount of impact when we decipher them. I also like how you linked the photo to imagination, as it does indeed offer a point a view, however many people can take it different ways at face value.

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