My favorite photograph

English 1101                  My favorite photograph.       D394.      Joseph Floyd


Out of all six photographs the one that was my favorite would have to be the Manhattan bridge by Berenice Abbott because I found the the photo was highly developed and clear for its time. The photo show an unique angle of the bride and from the picture you could see the screws and bolts on the bride. Although it was taken in 1935 it’s very high in definition compared to some photos of today. This makes me wonder how Berenice took the photo .

I find that it looks very ahead of its time period. It’s very captivating that such a structure has been built for awhile now and is still in use to this day. It’s intriguing how she was able to take the photograph . As a fan of photograph I kinda of want to know more detail about the technology back then since cameras were very new during that time. That’s why I like that photograph.


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One Response to My favorite photograph

  1. Jimmy Chen says:

    I can see your point about the bridge. It looks kind of daunting, doesn’t it? With the angle that it was taken from, it looks like a large edifice connected by cables, like it was a mechanical beast. The shot also does look quite clear, even before the improvements to photography, but this only shows the skill of Berenice’s craft in photography.

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