My Favorite Photo

Susan Allen

Journal 4

English D394 (Prof. Scanlan)

September  29, 2015

The photo that I found the most beautiful was Berenice Abbott’s “Seventh Avenue looking south from 35th Street, Manhattan” that was taken in 1935. This is a photo of a busy Seventh Avenue street in the 1930’s. This is my favorite photo because it shows one of the best things about New York City, the busy streets. Although in the 1930’s the streets were not as busy as the New York City streets in 2015. This photo reminds me of the times where I would go into the city and take pictures of the busy streets since I have been living in the Bronx for all of my life. It also inspires me to continue my love of landscape photography. I also like the act that it was taken high up from a building. This gives the picture not only the look of the streets but also the buildings that add a sense of feeling in this picture. When every I look at this picture, it makes me think of home. Seeing that this picture was taking during the day also makes it my favorite. The outline of the buildings in the background also caught my eye because it gives this picture a definition. It makes me look for where the sky and the water meet. This photo also shows the difference between the buildings, cars and the business in the 1930’s to what it is like now in 2015.


Susan Allen

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2 Responses to My Favorite Photo

  1. Dismailova says:

    I like how you compared you thoughts, and feelings to this piece of art. It’s shows that you are interested in photos that connects your type of images. I also, like how you compared city streets in the 1930s to today’s streets. I agree with you that the city is packed today then it was in the 1900s. So many tourists and people out there taking images that make them happy and very interested in. Like, this photo Berenice Abbotts posted this image because it meant something to him, and wanted to share with others.

  2. Jimmy Chen says:

    I like this photo as well. There’s a sort of mystical effect in the photo, as with the bust streets and the cars and such littering about. There’s also this sort of discoloration, near the base of the buildings… I think it’s mist? Or maybe it’s early stages of pollution, who knows?

    However, the thing that I like the most would be the sort of endless quality the street enhances. The buildings are black and the horizon is tinted gray, but the street below has a literal SHINE to it, sort of like a beacon, don’t you think?

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