Modern Photographs

  • 9/30/2015
  • Sasha Cabrera
  • English 1101 / Prof. Scanlan
  • Journal 4

Hi Classmates :-]

My favorite picture is from Dinanda H. Nooney , Home of Gerard Basquiat . This picture reminds me of when I used to live in Maryland with my family . I was about 6 years old , My family had a big house in which we all lived in . Part of the family lived upstairs and the other part of the family lived downstairs . I remember when we used to have family dinner we used to sit on the table and eat all together . The decorations in the house were pretty awesome ! There was pictures of my cousins and I posted on the walls . The furniture was old fashion . Things have change throughout time because of technology . Technology has made a huge impact positive and negatively . In this 21th century everyone wants to be fashion , but they don’t learned the beauty of 1978 old fashion and decorations . In this picture it shows how this family or friends are having a good time eating and communicating . Everyone in my family has become so overwhelmed by problems and having updated technology in New York ,  that now only for thanksgiving we get to sit all together and have dinner . Time and place is a really important role in everyone’s life because living in New York we have to be rushed and fast at level paste . There are still close family that have dinner at home together still . These people are more likely to have free time and  good communication with their family members .


                                                                                                           Best , Sasha Cabrera




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One Response to Modern Photographs

  1. Jimmy Chen says:

    I like the way you incorporated your personal experience into the photograph. The picture does indeed speak a lot about family gatherings and how you related that aspect with your own, through the use of the Thanksgiving Holiday. I also find it great that you picked up on the fact that in current day, most families don’t have sit-in dinners anymore, and like you said, technology has been the root cause of it. I have a brother of mine who leaves early and comes home late, and 9/10 instances, doesn’t sit down with the family to eat because of his current job and schooling schedule. In a way, I like that you address that problem and bring it into your own life, so that it becomes something personal, yet at the same time, not.

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