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Author: The Guy (Andrew Jaquez)

Andrew’s “Ball Is Life” Pic

This is the sport where I can give it my best and not hold anything back. Andrew Jaquez

What this picture means to me is the love and passion I have for the game of basketball. This picture to me shows me and reminds me on what I have been putting my dedication and hours into. In this picture it makes me remember all the games I have won and all the games I have lost and all those games win or lose is still valuable experiences that I can learn from and improve and adapt from. Also this picture reminds me of all the struggles I have went through growing up playing ball, like for example at first being one of the last people to be picked on a team to now where I am one of the first people  to be chosen on a team. This picture consists of one big rectangle and four smaller rectangles and a sphere shaped net and shows the free throw line. Also it shows the playground in the back in which includes the fences and trees and a couple of buildings and a couple of cars. You can also see in the right that the sun is shining on those buildings and cars and you can see the crack to the right of the court. This picture makes me feel excited and grateful mainly because, I’m down to play basketball whenever and never get bored of playing it and I am grateful because I have the opportunity and the ability to play the sport that I love and enjoy.