Monthly Archives: October 2012

Hi Class, Here is an example of a picture that I took and my description: I took this picture in the early spring of 2011. The shot is of the sun as it is framed by skyscrapers on either side … Continue reading

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Description: An Example

Hi Class, Here’s a description of a store: “It was a narrow room, with a rather high ceiling, and crowded from floor to ceiling with goodies. There were rows and rows of hams and sausages of all shapes and colors–white, … Continue reading

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See you at Brooklyn Bridge Park!

Hi Class, I’ve finished grading Essay 1. They were great!. I’ll bring them to Brooklyn Bridge Park. Please remember to bring Essay 2 (and the process work) in a paper folder to the park. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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Parallel Structure

Hi Class, Here is an example of a fine paragraph. Notice the parallel structure throughout:

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Tuesday’s Draft

Hi Class, For Tuesday, make sure and bring in at least two pages of Essay two–the comparison essay. Also, print out the essay details, so that we can discuss what “ingredients” go into this essay. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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