Hi,  my name is Sandy Li, Thank you for taking your time to explore my portfolio!

Meeting a dedicated dental hygiene student sparked my interest in the area since I was amazed and captivated by her explanations of oral health disorders and how to recognize them. She gave me an explanation of the significance and variations among several interdental aids.

I was not taught how to take care of my teeth or the value of doing so when I was growing up, therefore I did not grasp the correct oral hygiene care. I was afraid of visiting the dental office because I was the dentist and dental assistant would think poorly of my mouth. It’s odd that having one negative dentist experience might leave you traumatized and unwilling to return for a checkup.

Prior to joining the program, I work as a flight attendant and I obtained experience with engaging and communicating with individuals from all backgrounds and culture. Both dental hygiene and flight attendant require attention to detail whether it is performing procedures and assessing patients’ oral health or emergency procedures.The ability to handle inquiries, address concerns, and maintain a positive attitude is essential in both roles.

It makes me happy when my patient expresses their deepest gratitude because  it shows that I am making a difference to them by helping them improve their oral health and hygiene. In addition to improving each patient’s oral health, I hope to increase their desire to see the dentist more frequently when necessary. I invite you to explore my portfolio where you will be able to see my academic journey!