COMD4900 Internship- Project 2

For my second week of internship The Non-Profit Organization gave me an assignment. I had to make face mask mock ups using there logo. To be honest I was struggling a lot with this but first what I did was I looked at some tutorials online to see if I can get a better understanding on how to create mock ups using Photoshop. After following the tutorial step by step I got a little better at it. I wouldn’t say that I got perfect I would just say I’m getting there. After submitting my second assignment to Unity For Equality they told me that It looks great. I was a bit nervous since I don’t do well with Photoshop but I’m happy that they said it looks great.

Here are my Face Mask Mock up designs I was struggling a bit with this. So what I had to do was I had to put the name of the company on the mask and then try to fit in the logo I had to come with a design for the type that would fit with the mask so I took the text and messed around with the color a bit and see which colors would look better.