
Net Neutrality:

This topic was interesting because it affects all of us. Net neutrality is really important in 2019. Facebook, YouTube, and all websites are affected by net neutrality. I really enjoyed this presentation.


This topic caught me by surprise becuase it has to do more with science than technology. I did not realize the dangers of Candida Auris Activity. This virus can harm a lot of people.


Securing your smart home is important for our future.

Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 4/18/19 Presentation

Fabio –> Informative. I agree with the last quote that the internet was always open

Rejwoan –> It’s nice to see technology being used in a positive way considering the recent presentations.

Joel –> Very troubling to learn about this fungus and the fact that it’s so easily spread. Thank you for bringing this information to our attention cause most would only know when and if it becomes a epidemic.

Ahasan –> a plethora of valuable recommendations to protect our data and devices.


Net Neutrality (F. Paulino)

It’s interesting to see that Net Neutrality, as I understood it, was something else, essentially. I figured the Internet was always free range to a degree, but apparently Net Neutrality had more to it than I originally expected.

Technology and Healthcare (Rejwoan)

Interesting to know about these up-and-coming developments in technology that can help humanity down the line.

Protecting Smart Homes from Hackers (Ahassan)

A lot of this is still very new to me (smart homes), but it definitely appears to me that protection of one’s smart home can be treated in a similar fashion to proofing a computer (virus protection, firewalling, destroying equipment with sensitive information when recycling it, etc.).


Benjamin B hatch

Defining a class of cyber attacks as methods as mass destruction.

The article talks about how cyber attacks in the future could become WMD. It can be compare to like dropping a nuclear bomb cyber security could be dropped as a bomb. The United States as cyber weapons developed that can lead to massive damages to the physical world. Many generals in the force today don’t consider cyber attacks as weapons because they don’t see any computers. My question is that will cyber attacks cause ww3?

EIA outlook 2019

This article is about renewable energy. The report talks about the rapid growth of renewable electrical energy. Other sources they are looking to is wind and solar. Coal energy has been in the decline and will continue to decline as the policies will become more environmentally friendly. My question is what new sources will technology discover to prevent greenhouse emissions ?


Defining a Class of Cyber Weapons

This topic was very interesting. The concept of cyber warfare is something very realistic in the future. I believe this will be a serious issue because countries that are technologically advanced can threaten other countries.

EIA Outlook 2019:

This topic was intriguing as well. The topic of renewable energy is extremely important in our time. Investing money into the environment will impact the future and help the world. This is something that needs to be discussed in more classrooms.