Rimel Smith ENG2575 E294 4/18

net neutrality- this is a proposal o the internet which was first conceived by Tim Wu in 2003. the problem with net neutrality is that it does not provide an open internet. The initial definition of the article is not specific. a problem that they are trying to resolve is network congestion. The concept is not neutral as the plans are ambiguous and provide the opposite idea of the problem. this can be easily used as a tool by ISP and lawmakers get lost in the detail due to the complexities. the isp could also control the apps and services and put caps on the performance and speed. Furthermore, the providers can also block your access as they will become a watchdog. This implementation could also impact small businesses economically; animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. Additionally, the chair of the FCC agrees that Net neutrality is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

looking into technology to avoid the doctor office

the article talks about improvements that are happening in medical technology today. this technology includes diagnostic technology, voice analysis


the threat candida Auris
This is a form of fungal infection that can infect people by entering the bloodstream. it was first discovered ina Japanese woman in 2009 and it is said to be very dangerous as it is immune to the anti-fungal drugs. Recent infections took place in hospitals which resulted in the hospitals being quarantined. Outbreaks have been seen worldwide since the first outbreak. The CDC has report 600 cases in the united states. A lot of the patients dies in a 90 day period. Majority of the outbreaks has happened in hospitals and nursing homes.


how to protect your home from smart home hackers
the home appliances are connected to our wifi and they are vulnerable to hackers. There have been reported incidents of smart home hackings. There are approximately 42 million smart home devices. We have to protect our router by changing the default password. it is also recommended that we isolate our network that way we have wifi for guest separately. It is recommended to use a unique password for everything. we should also stick with the known brands that could come up with updates when a vulnerability is detected.make sure the automatic updates are enabled

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