Author Archives: Bryan G.


Fabio Pauluio

Net Neutrality

This presentation is about the importance of net neutrality. With this it allows for innovation and communication with the entire world. The problem with net neutrality is that it is misunderstood in terms of concept. It has been used as a manipulation tool by the FCC. Also law makers don’t understand the concept of the internet.  My question is where is the middle line between net neutrality.


Looking at technology to avoid doctors

This article discusses about how technology can improve the medical field. One aspect is doctor  diagnosis. Another one is voice analysis to help detect medical problems using artificial intelligence. Radios and Wi-if is used with x-rays to detect the movement of patients when it comes from movement disorders. My question is how far will technology go to.

The threat Candida Auris

It is a fungus that can infect from entering the bloodstream. It was found in a Japanese women in her ear. No single point of origin as of yet. In certain reports is that it has been immune to most anti fungus drugs. It is a bigger problem for people who have weaker immune system. Major cases have been found in New York , New Jersey , and Illinois.  The infected tend to die in a 90 day period. My question is will we become zombies?

How to protect your smart home from hackers


This article is about how to protect stuff connected to the internet from being accessed from the internet.  Some stuff that can happen is being locked out of your home because of your smart lock. Another thing is that they can hack into cameras to spy on you. There will be 42 million smart homes by the end of 2019. Do you think there will be backlash from these type of products?



Benjamin B hatch

Defining a class of cyber attacks as methods as mass destruction.

The article talks about how cyber attacks in the future could become WMD. It can be compare to like dropping a nuclear bomb cyber security could be dropped as a bomb. The United States as cyber weapons developed that can lead to massive damages to the physical world. Many generals in the force today don’t consider cyber attacks as weapons because they don’t see any computers. My question is that will cyber attacks cause ww3?

EIA outlook 2019

This article is about renewable energy. The report talks about the rapid growth of renewable electrical energy. Other sources they are looking to is wind and solar. Coal energy has been in the decline and will continue to decline as the policies will become more environmentally friendly. My question is what new sources will technology discover to prevent greenhouse emissions ?

BryanGuaman ENG2575 D294 Response

Juan Regalado

what termite can teach us about cooling our homes.

There are about 2600 of these species and only some are harmful. Their nest is made of sand , spit, and soil. They use pores to control the temperature of the nest.  A building in Zimbabwe will use the designs that the termite use to control the temperature of the building. They use plants to keep the air in the building fresh. The way termites make their system work is the use of Synergy. My question to this article is what other architecture from nature will be used.

Mohammad Kabit

what’s next for smartphones

This articles covers the future of smart phones. With the release of the Samsung phones they all have their own roles for different sets of customers. Like for example the big screens can satisfy people who want a bigger screen. While the cheaper phones with a smaller screen can satisfy customers who want a smaller screens.  How expensive will phones get ?






Digital media what went wrong

In 2019 many journalists have been layoff because of low profit. However the legacy publishers are growing in terms of readership. What went is wrong for small publishers is the ad business model and social media platforms. Another thing is the subscriptions trend that is working as model of payment. This models allows for better quality of content,

Presentation 2

what is the edge of computing

This article is about edge computing. Which is about IoT meaning that it uses the cloud for it’s functionality. With edge it hopes to reduce latency from the cloud by using chips embedded in the products. Some benefits it will bring is less bandwidth  from the cloud  and make self driving more effective due to less latency. My question is how long till edge computing be mainstream.

Presentation 3

what is 5G?

This article is about 5G which is the fifth generation of mobile smartphones. This generation is going to focus on robots , security , drones and cars. 5G sets the rules for radio frequencies and how hardware handle the these frequencies. Qualcomm predicts that 5G will be so fast that many customers won’t have to worry about download speeds. The focus on reduced  latency is due to the raise of robots and drones. The U.S. will have 5G by the second quarter of 2019. My question is how long will 5G last before 6G comes out.

FIRE presentation

This article is about how to retire in your 30’s. The articles show how many people who joined the FIRE movement to be able to retire early. The ways to retire is to save your and money and invest it. The goal of these two concepts is to maximize saving and amass income generating investment. Within these two concepts exists three type being Lean FIRE , fat FIRE, Barista FIRE.

Presentation Response

This presentation is about the safety of online banking. The article discusses of when to look at sensitive information and to look out for the type of wi-fi you are connecting to. One practice the article recommends is to not use public wi-fi since those networks aren’t safe.

The article is about historical European material arts and how it was taught back then. The way it was taught back then is in a group. In the Olympics athletes trained in one on one training. One to one provides much better understanding in the learning the technique and more physically productive . Studies have shown that students are more happier this way because since they learn at a much faster pace they make less mistakes. Even they make mistakes it can be fixed right away.

This article is about the future of AR. Mirror world is a concept to copy the real world we live in. The goal is make it as interactive as possible like being able to drink in AR. Some uses is to help you set up your room depending on what the algorithm tells you. Some uses for it today is that the lens tell you what breed of dog you have or type of plant you see. Some downsides it that the government will be able to watch you even more.

Presentation response

Iot for all presentation

The first presentation is called 9 factors of a well- tuned IoT network architecture. The presenter explains what makes a well connected system. Two factors is devices being able to communicate with each other and each devices knowing about your devices existence. IoT devices are important to the world and impact everyday lives and with this importance this requires continued advancement.  The last point is to really make sure your IoT device to use your data the best way possible. What other factors would you include in the 9 factors?


The second presentation is about momo and the effects it has had on the world. The momo challenge exploded with news falsely reporting about the existence of momo and its actual effects. The end result is that these challenges will never end and can get dangerous.  The question i have is that how far will these challenges go ?


Hello Steve I am in a bit of a standstill in the progress of project 2 . I have done some research on the different uses of the word air however are dictionary sources enough to compare and contrast the different uses ? What I need to do now is research the origins of the word air and where it comes from. I sent you an email on whether these are good uses or not.  The main goal to get this project going is to final scholarly articles on the word air.

Bryan Guaman ENG2575 E294 Summary

Steins; gate is an anime about a mad scientist who explores the concept of time travel. His journey begins when he accidentally sends a text message to the past which altered his timeline. Okabe experiments by sending messages back in time to affect people’s livelihood. While doing so he discovers that he has the power to retain his memory from past time lines. While discovering about his ability he under covers the secrets  of a company named SERN which invented a time machine in the near future to cause World War 3.

Steins; Gate is an anime about a mad scientist named Okabe who explores the concept of time travel. His journey begins when he accidentally sends a text message to the past using a re-engineered microwave. Okabe experiments with his microwave by sending life changing messages to the past. While doing so he discovers that he has the power to retain his memory from past time lines. During his experimentation he uncovers the secrets of a company named SERN who invents a time machine in the near future to cause World War 3.