Author Archives: Travis Naraine

Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 4/18/19 Presentations Comments

Fabio – Net Neutrality

  1. I think it will be interesting to see how the repeal of net neutrality will play out. As of now, there arent much “big” changes that have taken place, so I’m curious how ISPs will monetize on no net neutrality and bill users per access to websites/services.

Rajwoen – Looking at technology to avoid doctor office

  1. The article is about using wifi and radio waves to see through walls of patients to check for falls and such.
  2. This concept seems pretty futuristic, but also scary if it can be exploited, and this technology gets into the wrong hands.

Joel Diaz – The Thread of Candida Auris

  1. Candida Auris is a fungus which can infect organisms after entering into the bloodstream.
  2. Hospital and nursing homes are places where Candida Auris cases have appeared most commonly

Ahasan Khabir – How to Protect Smart Home from Hackers 

  1. From the presentation the takeaways I found most helpful is to always use dual factor authentication. Such as DUO or Google Authenticator. If you are selling a device wipe it clean


Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 4/11/19 Presentations Comments

Romel Smith – The Extremely Conservative Case

  1. If you were a lawmaker and had to create incentives to allow more investment into renewable resources (at the private or government level) what incentives would you offer?
  2. Do you think the fact that the United States has become path dependant on non-renewable resources has hindered the ability to move to renewable resources

Karran – WMD

  1. It’s scary to think that cyber warfare can be as destructive as a physical missile. Given how computers now control much of the world’s markets and trade. I think it’s important to raise awareness.

Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 4/4 Oral Presentation

Juan – What termites can teach us about cooling buildings

  • From the presentation, I liked how the article shows how we can use nature to improve our design and efficiency, especially when it comes to architecture and design.  This slightly reminds me of how Wright brothers observed birds in order to design the airplane.

Muhammad Kabir – What’s next for smartphones?

  • Do you think foldable phones will stick around in the market? Or do you think this is a fad?
  • Based on the expensive price do you think this will settle well with consumers?


Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 3/28 Oral Presentation

Pedro – Digital Media – What Went Wrong

  1. My perspective about digital ads is this filled the gap from the shift to the web from physical media like newspapers.
  2. Ads fund the “free” internet and offset the costs of running websites, so I don’t really mind them.Travis – (me) Edge Computing

Joseph – 5G

  1. 5G seems like it will be a benefit to the general society, what disadvantages does this technology have?
  2. Do you think the 5G infrastructure is necessary for the future of IoT devices or autonomous cars?

Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 3/14


  • What can we do to protect our data when browsing the web on public WiFi?
  • I found this topic interesting. Not much thought goes into how we should protect our data/privacy on the web.


  • Do you think learning in general (for example in the school system) would benefit from individual 1 on 1 attention/training?
  • I like the mention of how 1 on 1 training can help catch mistakes and immediately make a informative response so the trainee can learn from his or her mistake.

Tim Lobov – Augmented Reality 

  • I like the idea of Augmented Reality enabling us to make informative decisions. I could see my self using AR glasses to help decorate my room.
  • Do you think Augmented Reality will further develop for use in the consumer market, or will it turn out to be a fad like 3D glasses?


Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 2/28 Progress

I was able to continue researching my word terminal. I’ve found 2 peer review articles relating to terminal in a non technical manner. For example describing terminal illnesses. I was able to find some information on the etymology of the word terminal. One issue I’m having is finding a peer reviewed article on the world terminal in a technical manner.



Summary of Baby Driver

Baby Driver is a bank robbery Movie about  a young getaway driver (named Baby) who’s specialty is in armed robbery. Baby has tinnitus and constantly listens to music to tune out buzzing in his ear.


Baby Driver is a Crime-Action movie about a young getaway driver (named Baby) who can accomplish any driving stunt with the right track playing. Baby has tinnitus and constantly listens to music to tune out buzzing in his ear. Baby is sucked into a violent heist which ends tragically.