Author Archives: Rejwoan Matubbar


Net Neutrality:

This topic was interesting because it affects all of us. Net neutrality is really important in 2019. Facebook, YouTube, and all websites are affected by net neutrality. I really enjoyed this presentation.


This topic caught me by surprise becuase it has to do more with science than technology. I did not realize the dangers of Candida Auris Activity. This virus can harm a lot of people.


Securing your smart home is important for our future.


Defining a Class of Cyber Weapons

This topic was very interesting. The concept of cyber warfare is something very realistic in the future. I believe this will be a serious issue because countries that are technologically advanced can threaten other countries.

EIA Outlook 2019:

This topic was intriguing as well. The topic of renewable energy is extremely important in our time. Investing money into the environment will impact the future and help the world. This is something that needs to be discussed in more classrooms.


The topic that Brian chose intrigued me which was cyber attacks against the U.S.A. Brian presented the topic well and stayed straight to the point. The presentation was not too long and it was effective.

Mustafa’s topic of retiring early with a million dollars caught my attention. I did not expect this topic to be presented. I felt like the delivery of the presentation was not strong. I could not clearly hear his words. I was a little confused by the presentation.

Rejwoan Matubbar ENG2575 E294

Joseph had a high level of enthusiasm when giving a presentation about martial arts. He breaks down the importance of having a trainer teaching a student martial arts. Joseph really engaged the audience with his presentation because he did not read off of a paper.

Tim’s presentation is about mirror world. Technology will be able to help an individual on placing items in a room. Siri can possibly become an actual physical robot. There can be exploitation with this type of technology. People will be to find out all details on items they see in front of them.  I enjoyed the topic of this presentation.