Author Archives: Ahasan Kabir


Fabio :
Net neutrality annulment really harmed us or personally me in the way the sites that I visited before are tremulously slower now. The load balancer is extremely affected and hopes we get the neutrality back in recent days.

Technology changing the way we had the treatment lagging, we had to wait days before we could get the test results and see the doctor and be cured. With the recent developments, I have benefited with an MRI I performed was done right away and I had the CD with the result and were able to see the doctor right the next day.


The outbreaks are unavoidable since the mutation ability of these variables. are prescribes by Joel and the government entities are to vaccinate everyone as soon as possible and report the incident to the authority.


Shannon’s presentation opened my eyes about some typical mistake that my friends and I commonly do such as Posting boarding pass online, or use public WiFi all the time not worrying about spyware or malware. I strongly recommend everyone to use encrypted browser such TOR while accessing information online. FYI even your personal home WiFi can watched.

HEMA, very catchy topic about  Historic European Martial Art. Joseph emphasized the one-to-one training efficiency and  the tradition that some countries in Europe. I believe the one-to-one training method is very effective and personally I benefit a lot this way.

AR, Augmented Reality, a next technological revolution that will taking over the world is explained by Tim in his presentation. I’m among all the tech lover believe that AR is  highly beneficial in all the field such as medical , military etc.


Anand, IoT: Excellent Job, defined and explained all the key points very confidently, took the questions and answered them with perspective details.

Daniel, Momo Challenge: Raised the current social media crisis by demonstrating the effects of Fake News. Showed a very clear point the fake news must stop and it not hurts D Trump but severely affects our kids. Made fair point how to avoid it and emphasized it must stop. Nice presentation!


Shameless, an American TV show based on a Chicago south side white family who lives below poverty line but still get to run their daily life going solving no matter what obstacle they face. The family household, Frank Gallagher , who is an alcoholic, drug user and unmindful about his families existence has 5 kids at home. The Eldest, a daughter Fiona Gallagher who is seems to be the only responsible person in the house who takes care of her rest of the younger siblings sacrificing her study and regular life needs. As they grow up, faces all sort of real-life hacks that makes them hate their parents to the extent that they ignore their parent existence and get themselves involved in dangers that kids without parents would do. The show portrays the south side African American’s real-life upbringing struggles under the shadow of a white family.