Author Archives: Juan


Net Neutrality

This presentation was really informative, it presented how net neutrality had a different purpose rather than making the internet a better and more efficient environment. Net neutrality tried to have an effect on how ISPs try to influence how we live our lives and how they try to make as much money as possible on our behalf.

Looking to technology to avoid doctor offices and emergency rooms

The presentation went straight to the point, how technology is being currently developed to help the medical field from how different diseases are being diagnosed to how treatments are developed with the help of AI, this is a great example of how technology could improve the quality of our lives.

The threat of candida auris

This presentation brought up the topic of how a fungus with the ability to resist many of the known antibiotics can kill a person in roughly 90 days. One interesting fact was that 1st world countries are being attacked most frequently, one of the reasons why this could be is because of their sophisticated methods of cleaning and how the fungus and viruses have to fight harder to survive and this could be the main reason of how these viruses have created a way to survive the most cleanest conditions.

How to protect your smart home from hackers

The presentation taught us how to isolate your network and recommended to set up a stronger password, to secure your devices, and encrypt our data. Big organizations are pressuring companies to enforce stronger security practices. The presentation stated that by the end of 2019 there would be about 42 million smart homes and that is a really big number, and its even more tempting for someone with the ability and time to hack a smarthome.


Defining a class of cyber weapons as WMD:

This topic is really interesting because it shows different points of view. Some people consider cyber weapons and hacking as a weapon of mass destruction because of what these actions can lead to such as destroying a power plant nearby wildlife or humans residing near such plant and exposing them to deadly amounts of radioactive materials. On the other hand, some people do not consider this type of weaponry as a weapon of mass destruction because it is not a physical weapon such as a missile. These are strong points of view that were brought up in this presentation.

The extremely conservative case for the renewable growth

The article this student chose is related to today’s events and it brings up how coal companies are more interested in the amount of money they are making with this type of energy creation compared to how renewable energies are really recent and they are not producing as much of a profit compared to the companies that have been here for hundreds of years producing oil and coal to produce energy.


What’s next for the smart phones?

The topic from this presentation was really interesting because it put into perspective how phone manufacturers are creating new types of phones in order to appeal to more people and get away with increasing their prices, and people would still buy them even if that means they would go into debt but because having the latest phone means a lot to them, they don’t really think about this.



“Digital Media: What went wrong”

I really liked this presentation because it brought up how companies don’t put any effort into the quality of their work and instead they focus on ways to take our money such as with paid subscriptions.

“What is edge computing?”

I really liked this presentation, it brought to my attention how many of my day-to-day devices are always sending data over to the cloud and how more and more devices are joining this type of strategy and how we as users are giving up privacy for convenience.

“What is 5G?”

This presentation focused on how different companies are implementing this new type of technology, in the sense that many companies are developing new antennas to handle the amount of speed that this new technology has to offer.


China cyber attacks on the U.S.

I really enjoyed this presentation because it showed us, the audience, how cyber attacks take place and how they attack routers in order to find out the information you are sending over the internet, such as emails and passwords

How to Retire in Your 30s with 1 million in the bank

Your life or your money? This is the main topic about the presentation is about how to invest enough money so one can retire early. According to the presenter, many people at their 30s are really stressed out and need a break from their day to day lives and retiring is the answer.




This presentation was really informative and taught us a lot about keeping our information secure and how to take the best measures in order to protect our identities from being stolen. She mentioned how we have to be really careful while using public wifi spots because anyone can look through your documents if you are not careful.


This presentation was really informative about the training fighters go through in order to become experts in this art of fighting. The presenter brought a really interesting topic of how sword fighting is considered an Olympic sport and I had never seen it on TV.


This presentation showed how Augmented Reality is taking over the market and it could easily be the “next big thing” in terms of how people would receive it as a great technology.


Dear Steve,

This is the progress I have so far for project 2. The word I chose is “Progress”, I am trying to combine in some way the progress in technology and compare it to the progress in nature and how both have evolved over time and become what they are today. I would also like to include some sort of point of view of how technology might affect the progress of nature in a good way. I currently have two peer reviewed articles and a couple of general journals that focus on the development of technology and how nature has been affected by it throughout time.


Juan Regalado



The movie Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney is about a couple of astronauts who are doing research in space, everything seems fine until the moment an asteroid has an impact with their space shuttle causing lots of debris to start flying at high speed around the earth. The astronauts are forced to flee in an escape pod but soon they run out of fuel and their radio goes out because the debris knocked down several satellites that allowed them to communicate. One of the astronauts gets out of the pod in an attempt to fix an electrical problem and the debris knocks George Clooney out of place sending him flying away and leaving only Sandra Bullock behind, this event causes her to have a mental breakdown and to even consider giving up on survival. The movie shows a flashback of her life giving her different reasons to consider survival.


The movie “Gravity” starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney takes place at a space shuttle orbiting around the earth. These two astronauts are repairing and monitoring different satellites in order to keep them working as they should. The plot gives a great turnaround when an asteroid impacts a satellite which causes a great amount of debris to impact their space shuttle causing a bast amount of damage to the whole structure and communication systems, putting their mission and lives at risk. One of the astronauts dies throughout the film leaving the other astronaut with a mental breakdown even considering giving up on survival. The remaining astronaut pulls through the breakdown and manages to reach a escape pod and successfully reaches earth.