Author Archives: jphillips46

Oral Presentations 4/18/19

Net neutrality :

Control is the issue when it comes to net neutrality . Though there should be a limit to what .illegal and legal content should be monitored, unlimited bandwidth  shouldn’t be limited to how and when what to watch.

Looking to technology to avoid doctors offices :

Technology and Medical science also comes at a cost. The question I have is how much will this cost ? The government will insist on how this technology and health care will effect us in the future .

Candida Auris:

This type of bacteria leads to many questions .  How can we ever know if we are infected by this?  Has anyone ever defeated this?  This fungus doesn’t look like its curable.

How to protect your smart home from hackers?:

Smart home security is vital for our protection. How do we know if we are secure 100%? We can only put our trust into the companies provided to us. We should take measures but even those measures are questionable.


Oral Presentations 4/11/2019

Defining a class of Cyber Weapons as WMD :

Cyber attacks on the US is a major concern. WMD throughout history and how its communicated to the population can be catastrophic. Although there is an alarm for  Cyber attacks there wouldn’t be a widespread public notice of it. The government keeps us questioning the  authenticity of these attacks.

Conservative case for renewable s:

Energy and how we use is the major theme here. Investments in renewable energy can benefit us, oppose to many other energy sources. Much data shows the evidence for this case. How this is funded is in question.

ENG 2575 E294 Oral Presentation 3/21/19

Cyber security: China and Iran

Awareness on this subject is very important. Hacking from other countries may be the starting point of a new world war. Many Universities and Colleges are already building their IT curriculum for a future army or military of cyber security professionals. Furthermore, diplomacy in the US is where it starts and ends.

How to retire at 30

The fire movement is a very interesting movement. Though it may be practical to a very small class of well income households, it may not be a a practical methodology among most of us. Furthermore, living in New York City is a hard place to live and make a substantial amount of money. This concept of investment may widen the eyes of some but not in this City.

3 /14 /19 Oral Presentations

Safeguard presentation:

Shaunna well informed the class about data  security. This topic gives much awareness to how we use our technology and how we must take extra careful precautions to protect our data.

Lessons in HEMA:

Joseph B. presented to us  an interesting form of fighting. The class was informed about how Hema  is a form of sword fighting. Joseph emphasized strongly importance of  training and how this form of training boost   confidence. A very interesting subject about martial arts. Interested to know of if this form of Martial arts is common in the U.S.

The mirror world :

Tim gave us a a presentation on augmented reality. How much will the government fund this kind of technology? Or will they ever. Though this topic gives light to the endless possibilities of good, it will give question to how much security will be given to the community.

Joseph Phillips ENG2575 E294 Five Line Summary

Back to the Future 2 is the second part of the” Back to the Future “trilogy . Staring Michael J. Fox. The story continues after the first installment ended with “Doc” (Christopher Loyd) returning from the future to tell Marty (Michael J. Fox) that something has to be done about his kids in the future. The adventure of Doc and Marty unfold in the year


Back to the future 2 is the second installment of its trilogy. The adventure of Marty Mcfly  and Doc continue. Doc takes Marty into the future 2015  to fix the events of Marty’s children.  As the events turn out well for Marty, the stakes of Marty’s past comes into question. Doc and Marty then have to return to a familar setting.