Author Archives: jdiaz9206


Net Neutrality (F. Paulino)

It’s interesting to see that Net Neutrality, as I understood it, was something else, essentially. I figured the Internet was always free range to a degree, but apparently Net Neutrality had more to it than I originally expected.

Technology and Healthcare (Rejwoan)

Interesting to know about these up-and-coming developments in technology that can help humanity down the line.

Protecting Smart Homes from Hackers (Ahassan)

A lot of this is still very new to me (smart homes), but it definitely appears to me that protection of one’s smart home can be treated in a similar fashion to proofing a computer (virus protection, firewalling, destroying equipment with sensitive information when recycling it, etc.).

Joel Diaz ENG2575 E294 PresentationResponse

What Termites Can Teach US (Presented by Juan Regaldo)

-It’s an interesting idea, replicating termite base architecture and its more “green” approach. I wonder if there’s been any moves within U.S. state governments in major to push for similar architecture protocols.


What’s New for Smartphones (Muhammed Kabir)

-Phones are clearly becoming more expensive and decked out with near-excessive amenities. While the communication aspect of phones remains there, the extra functions are what overpowers its base function.


Presentation #1: I appreciated the presenter’s energy, focus to detail and commitment to providing anecdotes for the layman who would not understand the way that IoT networks actually function.


Presentation #2: The topic spurred a great discussion amongst the crowd. The presenter appeared somewhat nervous and kept looking up at the screen a lot. Nevertheless, the revelation of the source of the challenge was eye-opening.


Good evening, Prof. Rosenstein.

Despite choosing the word “Infrastructure” for this project, it’s proven to be a bit difficult. I’m still very much in the introductory stages of the project, trying to organize an argument. While the O.E.D. does provide an etymology for the word, the word itself only has one major definition to work off of. It’s a pretty uniform word that doesn’t seem as malleable as I thought initially. I’m still looking into sources to use from JSTOR, but a few I’ve looked at only seem to use the word rather sparsely. Would it even be possible to create an argument involving the  root words “infra-” and “structure”? I’m dancing with the idea of illustrating how the unifying of these root words has helped in solidifying the defining of projects and endeavors that I can reference (within reason, of course)?

Thank you!
-Joel D.


The Mask, a feature-length film released in the 1990s, stars Jim Carrey as a down-on-his-luck bank employee named Stanley Ipkiss. A hopeless romantic seeking a drastic change from the mundane life he leads, he happens upon a mask floating up the river. When he wears this mask, he undergoes a wicked transformation into a hyper-animated, green-faced living anomaly that defies laws of logic and physics. Stanley’s life is turned upside-down, thanks to the mask, as he gets into various comedic and dangerous scenarios, including cartoonish destruction of property and run-ins with the law. In the midst of all this, a seedy underworld drug gang is looking to start a war against the police and the gang’s leader takes an interest in Stanley’s mask and the power it affords.

The Mask, a feature-length comedy released in 1994, stars Jim Carrey as a down-on-his-luck bank employee named Stanley Ipkiss. A hopeless romantic seeking drastic change from the mundane life he leads, he happens upon a mask floating up the river one night. When he wears the mask, he undergoes a wicked transformation into a hyper-animated, green-faced living anomaly that defies the laws of physics and logic. Stanley’s life is turned upside-down as he gets into various comedic and dangerous scenarios, thanks to the mask’s wicked nature, and the police are hot on his trail. In the midst of all this, an underworld drug gang’s activity is indirectly affected by Stanley and the gang’s leader takes an interest in his mask and the power it affords.