Author Archives: FP004

Presentation Response 4/18/2019

Rejwoan – Technology vs Doctor

For more that technology can be enhance to treat diseases and sickness a doctor and human intervention is necessary in any treatment.

Joel – Candida Auris

The article doesn’t mention how is the disease transmitted, if it is not virus it would have been good to mention whats the vector or how is the fungus growing on the mentioned areas.

Haesan – SmartHomes

The concept of Smarthomes is relatively new, it belongs to the broader concept of IOT.


Fabio Paulino ENG2675 E294 – Presentation Response 4/4

Termite nests(what can be learned) presentation, Juan
Very good topic, Technology itself has been trying to mimic nature for a very long time to solve very complex problems, it is not a surprise that architecture follows the same paradigm.

Smartphones, Mohammed
Mobile technology is without a doubt the strongest trend of the last two decades, due to the face paced society we live in today more and more people decide to use digital means on the go to perform many activities like reading news, writing, communicating with relatives, etc. It is probably one of the biggest technological markets of today.