Author Archives: Daniel H.

Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 4/18/19 Presentation

Fabio –> Informative. I agree with the last quote that the internet was always open

Rejwoan –> It’s nice to see technology being used in a positive way considering the recent presentations.

Joel –> Very troubling to learn about this fungus and the fact that it’s so easily spread. Thank you for bringing this information to our attention cause most would only know when and if it becomes a epidemic.

Ahasan –> a plethora of valuable recommendations to protect our data and devices.

Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 4/11/19 Presentation

  • Karran Hiralal –>   Quite informative.I think cyber attacks should be considered as WMD because it is a means to an end. It is a tool that will result to devastating consequences. We should redefine what WMD means to us in current times.
  • Rimel Smith –> I agree with the presenter that we need to invest more into renewable energy. If only Trump can recognize global warming as a treat and focus on investing resources into renewable energy.

Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 Presentation Question 4

Pedro –> Very informative presentation. I will take the advice about questioning everything. It also ties in with my presentation of the momo challenge.

Travis–> Will we keep on having shifts like this – between computer technology? Is this a good move into the future?

Joseph–> Joseph raised some important points today, cautioning users not to buy into 5G yet and that the current implementations of 5G aren’t genuine technology and most popular from a marketing standpoint.

Daniel Heeralall ENG2575 E294 Project 2: Progress

Dear Steve,

I’ve found a plethora of definitions for the word Bridge. However, I’m having a bit of difficulty finding peer review journals pertaining to the topic. I’m finding reviews on poems instead. Poets love to compose on, and talk about bridges. Is there another database that would be suitable for finding resource? Additionally, I have a few general texts that expand the definitions.

Daniel H.