

Digital media what went wrong

In 2019 many journalists have been layoff because of low profit. However the legacy publishers are growing in terms of readership. What went is wrong for small publishers is the ad business model and social media platforms. Another thing is the subscriptions trend that is working as model of payment. This models allows for better quality of content,

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what is the edge of computing

This article is about edge computing. Which is about IoT meaning that it uses the cloud for it’s functionality. With edge it hopes to reduce latency from the cloud by using chips embedded in the products. Some benefits it will bring is less bandwidth  from the cloud  and make self driving more effective due to less latency. My question is how long till edge computing be mainstream.

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what is 5G?

This article is about 5G which is the fifth generation of mobile smartphones. This generation is going to focus on robots , security , drones and cars. 5G sets the rules for radio frequencies and how hardware handle the these frequencies. Qualcomm predicts that 5G will be so fast that many customers won’t have to worry about download speeds. The focus on reduced  latency is due to the raise of robots and drones. The U.S. will have 5G by the second quarter of 2019. My question is how long will 5G last before 6G comes out.

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