What went wrong, What is edge computing, 5G

Presentation 1- a very current issue that i see everyday and even fall victim too its important to always be thinking bout the information you receive and fact check. especially when it comes to these “shock value” kind of articles and click bait that only wants your attention.
Presentation 2 – edge computing reminds me of the times me and my friends would hook our computers and xboxes up to each other for more players and have a LAN party, its interesting to see that everything is trying to be localized and sent to us from afar before hand and then having it at our disposal. a little strange o wrap our heads around but i do dislike the idea of everything just happening, control of my device should be in my hands.
Presentation 3 – I want to look tword the future as far as speed goes and I always asked myself how fast can we really go? we are always trying to move up and its so fast in the way we do that its hard to keep up. is it all really needed? we can watch full movies already on our phones and do so much. it seems to fall into a niche when we bring things to such a high level.

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