
Movie “Good Fellas” talks about the legend mafia member Henry’s criminal life. During the movie, it tells audiences how Henry become a mafia, and what criminals he has ever made. Also there are two characters Jimmy and Tommy which play important roles on Henry’s life. In the first half of the movie, Henry was rich and famous for being a mafia member, however, he ended up to be a rat of federal agency. It’s is a well known movie for displaying a vivid mafia member Henry.



Movie “Good Fellas” talks about the legend mafia member Henry’s criminal life in 1960’s. During the movie, it pictures how Henry from a half Italian school boy and become a notorious mafia member.  In the first half of the movie, Henry was rich and famous for being a mafia member, however, he ended up to be a rat of federal agency. There are also two characters Jimmy and Tommy which play important roles on Henry’s criminal life. Jimmy is Henry’s criminal mentor  and Tommy is Henry’s best partner.


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