Monthly Archives: April 2019

Fabio Paulino ENG2675 E294 – Presentation Response 4/4

Termite nests(what can be learned) presentation, Juan
Very good topic, Technology itself has been trying to mimic nature for a very long time to solve very complex problems, it is not a surprise that architecture follows the same paradigm.

Smartphones, Mohammed
Mobile technology is without a doubt the strongest trend of the last two decades, due to the face paced society we live in today more and more people decide to use digital means on the go to perform many activities like reading news, writing, communicating with relatives, etc. It is probably one of the biggest technological markets of today.

Joel Diaz ENG2575 E294 PresentationResponse

What Termites Can Teach US (Presented by Juan Regaldo)

-It’s an interesting idea, replicating termite base architecture and its more “green” approach. I wonder if there’s been any moves within U.S. state governments in major to push for similar architecture protocols.


What’s New for Smartphones (Muhammed Kabir)

-Phones are clearly becoming more expensive and decked out with near-excessive amenities. While the communication aspect of phones remains there, the extra functions are what overpowers its base function.

Rimel Smith ENG2575 E294 4/4

they’re 2600 species of termites but not all are bad for us. their nest goes up 8 meters in size and they have a lot of networks for transportation and storage of food water and defense. Guan chose the topic because of a building in Zimbabwe that was designed similarly to a termite nest. there are a lot of plants inside the building to help with oxygen production.
termites communicate through synergy since they are blind. Guan states that we can benefit from using models from nature which would not only be efficient but eco-Friendly

what’s next for smartphones

they are 4 new Samsung phones that are expected to be released. There is also a Galaxy fold that is expected to be released. the phones range from $899-$1980. the advantage of the bigger screen is the comfort when viewing and it has multiple uses but when compare to a smaller phone it might be uncomfortable when storing it in the pocket.

Travis Naraine ENG2575 E294 4/4 Oral Presentation

Juan – What termites can teach us about cooling buildings

  • From the presentation, I liked how the article shows how we can use nature to improve our design and efficiency, especially when it comes to architecture and design.  This slightly reminds me of how Wright brothers observed birds in order to design the airplane.

Muhammad Kabir – What’s next for smartphones?

  • Do you think foldable phones will stick around in the market? Or do you think this is a fad?
  • Based on the expensive price do you think this will settle well with consumers?


BryanGuaman ENG2575 D294 Response

Juan Regalado

what termite can teach us about cooling our homes.

There are about 2600 of these species and only some are harmful. Their nest is made of sand , spit, and soil. They use pores to control the temperature of the nest.  A building in Zimbabwe will use the designs that the termite use to control the temperature of the building. They use plants to keep the air in the building fresh. The way termites make their system work is the use of Synergy. My question to this article is what other architecture from nature will be used.

Mohammad Kabit

what’s next for smartphones

This articles covers the future of smart phones. With the release of the Samsung phones they all have their own roles for different sets of customers. Like for example the big screens can satisfy people who want a bigger screen. While the cheaper phones with a smaller screen can satisfy customers who want a smaller screens.  How expensive will phones get ?





What’s next for the smart phones?

The topic from this presentation was really interesting because it put into perspective how phone manufacturers are creating new types of phones in order to appeal to more people and get away with increasing their prices, and people would still buy them even if that means they would go into debt but because having the latest phone means a lot to them, they don’t really think about this.


Presentations 4/4/2019

Its incredibly interesting how much of insects and animal behaviors were trying to use to our advantage. makes me think about the kinds of things animals have been doing for so long to survive before we even realized it. we still have just so much to learn about the world and I cant wait to see just what we do next.
Phones are constantly moving up and getting bigger, literally. the fold looks… interesting. I’m glad to see innovation and we need to take risks because it moves us forward. without failure we wont know how to succeed, this is reflected in almost all industries, they try some brand new idea, if it works, wonderful we can move up if not, then we go a different direction.

Shaunna Budhram 4/4/2019 Presentation

Juan  – What Termites can teach us about cooling building – We learned how termites build their nest with smart architecture. Juan believes human should start building more eco friendly buildings and not using fossil fuel. What about heating? We would freeze in New York.

Mohammad – Whats next for Smartphones? Galaxy S10 Phones –  We learned the difference of the Galaxy phones. The folding phone is very cool, but a phone for almost $2,000.00. That is way too much for a mobile device.