Presentations 4/18/19

Net neutrality- This issue has been around and seems to constantly be in a sin wave. just going up in awareness then back down its important that the internet stays open and neutral for many reasons. it is a massive platform for everyone yo use for any kind of reason and service, without that it only allows the big wigs to use it to their advantage and further suppress anyone looking to grow in the digital world. its potential to cause problems for consumers is huge while only benefiting the ISP’s and it should be looked at seriously because of that.
Advancements to avoid doctors- It sounds like a movie, imagine robots taking care of you in such a way is crazy. Medical advances should be first in line but they typically become the most expensive and difficult things to pursue witch to me is strange. fixing a human is far more difficult then what we look into to destroy things.
Candida Auris – Fungi are scary, typically very strong and resistant to many treatments. while uncommon its best to avoid them by staying away and clean. it is scary but dont let it trick you, its uncommon and rare, mostly affecting people with already compromised immune systems. making your body a place where it cant grow is ideal, now im no doctor but staying healthy is always sound advice, the micro-biom in your body is a precious balance that helps keep you kicking, take care of it.
Smart home protection – I have heard about multiple instances of people using these smart techs to already take advantage of peoples privacy and business the best thing you can really do about it is have strong passwords and keep as much personal information off as possible. data is a strong thing and if we arent carefull someone may just be able to open your smart lock from afar, witch is a scary thought.

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