
Net Neutrality

This presentation was really informative, it presented how net neutrality had a different purpose rather than making the internet a better and more efficient environment. Net neutrality tried to have an effect on how ISPs try to influence how we live our lives and how they try to make as much money as possible on our behalf.

Looking to technology to avoid doctor offices and emergency rooms

The presentation went straight to the point, how technology is being currently developed to help the medical field from how different diseases are being diagnosed to how treatments are developed with the help of AI, this is a great example of how technology could improve the quality of our lives.

The threat of candida auris

This presentation brought up the topic of how a fungus with the ability to resist many of the known antibiotics can kill a person in roughly 90 days. One interesting fact was that 1st world countries are being attacked most frequently, one of the reasons why this could be is because of their sophisticated methods of cleaning and how the fungus and viruses have to fight harder to survive and this could be the main reason of how these viruses have created a way to survive the most cleanest conditions.

How to protect your smart home from hackers

The presentation taught us how to isolate your network and recommended to set up a stronger password, to secure your devices, and encrypt our data. Big organizations are pressuring companies to enforce stronger security practices. The presentation stated that by the end of 2019 there would be about 42 million smart homes and that is a really big number, and its even more tempting for someone with the ability and time to hack a smarthome.

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