
Fabio Pauluio

Net Neutrality

This presentation is about the importance of net neutrality. With this it allows for innovation and communication with the entire world. The problem with net neutrality is that it is misunderstood in terms of concept. It has been used as a manipulation tool by the FCC. Also law makers don’t understand the concept of the internet.  My question is where is the middle line between net neutrality.


Looking at technology to avoid doctors

This article discusses about how technology can improve the medical field. One aspect is doctor  diagnosis. Another one is voice analysis to help detect medical problems using artificial intelligence. Radios and Wi-if is used with x-rays to detect the movement of patients when it comes from movement disorders. My question is how far will technology go to.

The threat Candida Auris

It is a fungus that can infect from entering the bloodstream. It was found in a Japanese women in her ear. No single point of origin as of yet. In certain reports is that it has been immune to most anti fungus drugs. It is a bigger problem for people who have weaker immune system. Major cases have been found in New York , New Jersey , and Illinois.  The infected tend to die in a 90 day period. My question is will we become zombies?

How to protect your smart home from hackers


This article is about how to protect stuff connected to the internet from being accessed from the internet.  Some stuff that can happen is being locked out of your home because of your smart lock. Another thing is that they can hack into cameras to spy on you. There will be 42 million smart homes by the end of 2019. Do you think there will be backlash from these type of products?


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