
Defining a class of cyber weapons as WMD:

This topic is really interesting because it shows different points of view. Some people consider cyber weapons and hacking as a weapon of mass destruction because of what these actions can lead to such as destroying a power plant nearby wildlife or humans residing near such plant and exposing them to deadly amounts of radioactive materials. On the other hand, some people do not consider this type of weaponry as a weapon of mass destruction because it is not a physical weapon such as a missile. These are strong points of view that were brought up in this presentation.

The extremely conservative case for the renewable growth

The article this student chose is related to today’s events and it brings up how coal companies are more interested in the amount of money they are making with this type of energy creation compared to how renewable energies are really recent and they are not producing as much of a profit compared to the companies that have been here for hundreds of years producing oil and coal to produce energy.

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